Nicolas à la défense


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Jérémie, le nouvel ami de Nicolas, n’a pas fait bonne impression lors de son arrivée à l’école, surtout auprès du grand Latour qui s’est tout de suite moqué de ses habiletés sportives. Maintenant, tout le monde l’ignore. Malgré les efforts de Nicolas, Jérémie se retrouve souvent seul. Nicolas trouvera-t-il une façon d’aider son ami? Avec un peu d’entraînement, Jérémie pourra-t-il faire un bon jour de hockey et contribuer au succès de l’équipe?

Nicolas and Jérémy become fast friends when they meet for the first time on the way to school. Nicolas is eager to introduce Jérémy to his school mates, but they are quick to tease him based on his poor soccer skills. Not one to give up on his new friend, Nicolas continues to invite him to various sports activities, but Jérémy is not very athletic and he continues to get teased by the school’s bully and his followers. Determined to stand up to the bully, Nicolas makes Jérémy his hockey protégé. After countless hours of practice, both mentor and player show up to try-outs to show off Jérémy’s newly acquired skills. Both the team and the notorious bully are in for a big surprise!

Original title:Most Valuable Player