Lonely Planet City Trails – Barcelona 1 1st Ed.| Paperback


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Get ready for a walking tour like no other—all from the comfort of your sofa! This seriously streetwise guide is packed with themed trails, from food and festivals to music, art and sport, that reveal amazing facts and intriguing tales you won’t find on the tourist routes.

In City Trails: Barcelona, join Lonely Planet explorers Marco and Amelia as they hunt for more secrets, stories and surprises in another of the world’s great cities. You’ll discover human pyramids, dancing eggs, a witch school, and lots more!

Themed trails include:

  • Legends From Long Ago
  • Animal Land
  • Delicioso!
  • Gaudi Town
  • Street Shows
  • Watery Way
  • Let’s Go!
  • Winning City
  • Musical Marvels
  • Perfect Parks
  • City of Art
  • High Time
  • Barcelona Style
  • City Surprises
  • Spotted in the Streets
  • Spooky Stuff

Also available: City Trails – London, Paris, New York City, Rome, Tokyo, Sydney, Washington DC and Singapore

About Lonely Planet Kids: Lonely Planet Kids – an imprint of the world’s leading travel authority, Lonely Planet – published its first book in 2011. Over the past 45 years, Lonely Planet has grown a dedicated global community of travelers, many of whom are now sharing a passion for exploration with their children. Lonely Planet Kids encourages the next generation of global citizens to learn about the world around them with engaging books on culture, sociology, geography, nature, history, space and more. Whether at home, in school or on the road, every day can be an adventure. Come explore!

About Lonely Planet Kids: Come explore! Lonely Planet Kids excites and educates children about the amazing world around them. Combining astonishing facts, quirky humor and eye-catching imagery, we ignite their curiosity and encourage them to discover more about our planet. Every book draws on our huge team of global experts to help share our continual fascination with what makes the world such a diverse and magnificent place – inspiring children at home and in school.